Epidemic Sound_ homepage



Filmmakers and Editors love Epidemic Sound because of features that help them work faster and be more creative.

Some of these features include:

  • Mobile app

  • SoundMatch

  • Stems



Seasoned users, especially Enterprise customers, are familiar with these tools and use them consistently.

Because of this though, some aren’t aware of other powerful tools available.

Also - what about new users? Or people who don’t know about Epidemic Sound at all?

It turns out, the homepage has never highlighted these features before.


Together with the Product Manager and Product Designer, I narrowed down the features we most wanted to highlight. This included the most used features, most requested features, as well as the recent releases.

Along the way I realised some of these features are rather complex and will need further explanation.

For example, EAR (Enhanced Audio Recommendations) is an AI tool that helps users who like only part of a track to find similar sounding tracks. Not so easy to explain without more context.

We considered three options:

  • Explain with motion only

    • 🟩 visually interesting, 🟩 no wall of text, 🟥 won’t translate well on mobile

  • Explain with more body copy, no motion

    • 🟥 Could increase cognitive load 🟥 overwhelming wall of text

  • Explain with less body copy, no motion

    • 🟩 no wall of text 🟥 lose detailed information

Motion only

More copy, no motion

Less copy, no motion

Cross collaboration

To move and learn fast we worked with engineers and colleagues from the Mobile team to narrow down the scope.

We decided to test an iteration without animation to reduce complexity on mobile, and to give context on only the most recent feature. We get to inform users of this new feature, and also explain what it does.


  • Increase clicks to start free trial

  • Slight increase in signups

  • Significant increase in adoption of advanced features such as SoundMatch and Stems

Next steps

Further plans for iteration include working with the SEO team to include links to subpages where users can learn more about the features. The hope is to also increase conversion rates to paid subscribers on top of the successes we have on this first iteration.

Team - Prod Manager M. Roosebaum | Prod Designer J. Markström | Developers M. Levin, B. Fouss | Data Analyst C. Arkolaki